Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's in a name?

Drumroll please...

Today Ben and I decided to start a blog.

I know, WOW! This is big coming from someone who hasn't even taken time to write in a journal! Anyway, as we thought up names and ideas for our blog, we were having no inspiration. We felt a name was important, it rather shows a personality. During our brain storming session names such as 'Hanging with the Ricks' or 'Ricks Picks' just didn't really make the cut. But then, completely out of nowhere, songs from my childhood dance recitals came flooding in and I started singing 'Puttin' on the Ritz' and I thought it would be so perfect for our blog. It has some past and a lot of our future in the name. It gives life to a place that will enable us to be our own unique selfs and put down our thoughts and our adventures together. So here is a link to the song that gave the inspiration behind the name.

Thanks Fred Astaire and Taco!

Here's the link to the song, sung by Taco: